Version 8.6

Scatter plot enhancements

This version adds more information and customization options to scatter plots:

  • Bubble chart – displays three or more variables in an engaging visualization of trends, correlations, and outliers.
  • Color scatter plot – uses a color gradient or highlighting to show additional variable.
  • Cross-date scatter plot – compares two timeframes.
  • Visual options – include custom colors, sizes, symbols, and lines.


Improvements in exception (test-based) analyses

  • Actual value graphs – show how many passed and failed as well as the total number for each category.
  • Graph shortcuts – allow you to list passing or failing members directly from the chart.
  • Variance in passing/failing numbers – can be added to grids.
  • Simplified graphs


Automated notifications for each subset of data (in V8.6.1+)

Easily send separate notifications for different subsets of data using the new “for each” option—reducing the number of notification rules needed.


Better control over test-based filtering (in V8.6.1+)

Test-based cohorts (i.e., dynamic filters) can update dynamically based on the filters that are currently applied to provide easier selection of specific groups of customers, products, etc. This new option is available for multiple types of filters, including widget filters, workspace filters, linked filters, downlevel, and notification filters. 


Linked widgets (in V8.6.1+)

Widgets can be linked together to enable filtering via a single click on a “source” widget.


Scannable barcodes (in V8.6.1+)

Salient Dashboards can display UPCs as barcodes (requires some setup)—allowing you to scan barcodes directly from dashboards rather than manually entering product numbers.

Usability enhancements

Organize filters

This version lets you sort and group filters to make them easier to find.


Fiscal period table information (in V8.6.1+)

You can access information about your organization’s custom fiscal periods, including start and end dates of each period, within Salient Dashboards. 

More date information in column headers

Column headers in Comparative and Multi Comparative grids can show more information about the dates being reported.


Custom background colors

Dashboards can be enhanced with custom background colors.


Variance metrics in comparative trend windows

As always in Salient Dashboards, you can click and drag in a trend chart to see values for specific periods of time. Now, if the trend compares two date ranges, the window also shows percent change compared to the corresponding dates (e.g. three weeks versus same three weeks last year).

Simplified share trend windows

If you hide items in a share trend graph prior to selecting dates (i.e., rubber-banding), the data windows will omit the hidden members—making it easier to view and compare what interests you.

Streamlined numeric gauge

New graph settings let you streamline numeric gauges by hiding extra information, such as data values and difference.

Drag-and-drop functionality for measures

When adding a measure, you can drag and drop it to a specific position in the list for faster control over how measures are arranged.

Quick-pick measures in Waterfall widgets

Multiple calculated measures can be added to a Waterfall widget to make it easier for users to switch between them.


Button names (in V8.6.1+)

The toolkit and tab settings show button names, making it easier to move, edit, and delete buttons in complex dashboards.

More information in exported files

When you export data to a CSV or XLSX file, the file header will show the data source, including the dashboard name, tab name (if applicable), and widget name.

Cross-dataset dashboard importing

This version has improved logic to match up components by name (e.g., measure name) and then by ID if necessary when importing dashboards. As a result, dashboards can more easily be re-used across different datasets if naming conventions are the same.

Embedded date descriptions in notifications

Emails that contain embedded data from notifications can include descriptions of the dates being reported.

Flat data notifications

You can send notifications based on flat grid data. In this grid type, each attribute has its own column; rows can be sorted independently.

Required Notify version: 2.3

Learn more about Salient Dashboard versions:

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