Version 1.10.1

Custom home screen

You can customize the home screen that appears when you open the Salient mobile app. Options include:

  • A custom landing dashboard (i.e., portal) designed by your organization
  • Your own personal home dashboard
  • The default home screen from previous versions

To choose the home screen, make your selection in preferences of the Salient Dashboards browser application.

Home dashboard selection

You can choose your personal home dashboard from within the Salient mobile app. This home dashboard is shared with the Salient Dashboards browser application for a consistent view across devices.

Support for Salient Dashboards enhancements

This version supports several new capabilities in Salient Dashboards Version 8.6 and 8.6.1.

Widget filtering

If widgets are linked, you can select a row or graph component in a “source” widget to filter other widgets in the dashboard. This filtering capability must be built into the dashboard.

Bubble charts

The bubble chart is a new type of scattergram that can display three or more variables in an engaging visualization of correlations and outliers.

Color scatter plots

Scattergram plots can use color to represent an additional metric, such as percent change since another timeframe.

Difference (delta) in passing/failing numbers

Exception widgets can include difference and percent change in how many members pass or fail test criteria. For example, how many more or fewer customers bought each brand this month versus last month?

Chart how many passed and failed (actual numbers)

In an Exception graph, you can chart the actual counts of how many passed and failed the test. This new view lets you visually compare the total number of members (e.g., customers) in each grouping as well as the number that passed and failed.

Other enhancements

Support for additional V8.6 capabilities:

  • Cross-date scatter plots
  • Custom colors, icons, and sizes in Scattergrams
  • Scattergram reference lines to create quadrants
  • Simplified gauges
  • Date details in column headers
  • Workspace filter groups
  • Barcodes

Version compatibility:

Requires Salient Dashboards Version 6.20 or higher. The latest version of Salient Dashboards is recommended to take advantage of recent enhancements.

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