Expand more levels of data

You can expand a virtually unlimited number of data levels to access fully-granular details in standard tables, flat views, and expanded graphs. Previously, data expansion was limited to five levels. Your administrator can implement a custom limit for your organization.

Crosstab expansion

You can expand dimension members in Crosstab tables to view multiple levels of data (e.g, 1st By, 2nd By, and 3rd By) broken down into subgroupings for another attribute.

Share trend auto-expansion

The auto-expand tool is now available in Share Trend tables to make it faster and easier to view data over time for multiple levels of data.

Learn more about enhancements in V8.3


Version compatibility:

Required server version: 8.2.3 or higher

No Metaserver available

Compatible Salient Dashboards versions: 8.2 or higher

Learn more about SIM versions:

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