Enhanced search

New search capabilities make it faster and easier to work in SIM. You can search for several types of components, including data fields, bookmarks, storyboards, macros, data setups, and highlight settings.

Search for data fields
Search for bookmarks
Search for setups

Highlight precise values

A new option in highlight settings lets you highlight precise values (i.e., equal to) in addition to highlighting ranges of values. This new capability makes highlighting more flexible. For example, highlight specific prices, visits per week, etc.

Quick filter selection

This version provides a fast new way to add a filter for a dimension that is used to group the data (e.g., 1st By or 2nd By). Click on the dimension name in the context panel and select the add filter option.

More information in the drill path

New preference settings let you show the dimension names in the drill path to provide more information about the part of the dataset you are viewing.

Learn more about enhancements in V8.2:

Version compatibility:

Required server version: 8.2.2 or higher

No Metaserver available

Compatible Salient Dashboards versions: 8.2 or higher

Learn more about SIM versions:

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